

Order directly via artist with personal greeting possible.
For details, please write to me robinneck@gmail.com

„…for me, this voice and the possibilities that lie ahead of it are the highlight of this quarter.“
Deutschlandfunk – Discussions about current classical albums (06.03.2024)
by Eleonore Büning

„Subtle tenor stylist
…There are voices, mostly off the peg, that go in on the left ear and out on the right. Quite appealing – but who was that again? And then there are singers like Robin Neck…
…Neck captivates with a characteristic, fine, subtly used voice and a sensorium for intermediate tonal values. And the man has courage…
…Robin Neck presents himself as not only intimidatingly polyglot, but also style-conscious…
…These songs have rarely been heard with such sophistication…“
Münchner Merkur (02.04.2024)
by Markus Thiel

„…Neck, who is accompanied by pianist Doriana Tchakarova, captures the indulgence of the songs…
…remarkably well and quite idiomatically…
…the bright, beautiful tenor voice of Robin Neck is expressive and flexible…“
Opernglas (April 2024)
by Jürgen Gahre

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

„…inspires with beautiful sound, cultivated technique and a wide range of vocal colors.“
by Marc Rohde

„He shapes the stylistically diverse songs with subtle nuances and shades and enchants with his beautiful lyrical tenor voice. Beyond a solid technique, his singing has soul and charm.“
„…warmly grounded and disciplined tenor voice, which can convince with tenderness as well as radiance.“
„…his soft tones form a cultivated foundation from which a well-dosed brilliance can develop, which is always an expression and never an end in itself.“
„Here Robin Neck shows once again that he has all the subtle shades and colors needed to convincingly express the tender infatuation.“
by Dr. Lorenz Kerscher

„…inspires with beautiful sound, cultivated technique and a wide range of vocal colors.“